Counter Tools

Healthy Active Communities Virtual Conference Sept 14-15

Counter Tools staff will be presenting at the Healthy Active Communities Conference September 14-15. HACC will be a place to learn about policies & systems changes related to health equity & nutrition security with a weight-inclusive lens. Healthy Active Communities sets out to explore and expand conversations [More]

September 7, 2022|Categories: Health Equity, Healthy Food, News From Tools, Webinars|

Webinar – Innovative Local Solutions in Public Health

We recently hosted a webinar with CADCA GHEA about local-level policy solutions in Maryland and California. These efforts advanced policies relating to alcohol and healthy food. We often see innovative policy solutions tested first at the local-level. In this webinar, you’ll learn about alcoholic beverage regulations in [More]

August 30, 2022|Categories: Alcohol, Healthy Food, Partners, Policy, Webinars|

Counter Tobacco Podcast : Tobacco Point of Sale Preemption (Episode 30)

Earlier this year, along with our partners at ChangeLab Solutions, we published a resource on this topic called the Tobacco Point of Sale Preemption Playbook. It equips tobacco prevention staff and their partners with the knowledge, context, and resources needed to understand how preemption influences their work. [More]

August 29, 2022|Categories: Counter Tobacco Podcast, Point of Sale|

Creating tobacco control policies that work toward health equity

Tobacco control policies must be formulated and examined with health equity at the forefront to directly address health inequities among Black Americans and other marginalized communities. Even the best intentioned tobacco product regulation policies may reinforce racism and the inequitable impact on marginalized communities. We must create [More]

August 2, 2022|Categories: Health Equity, Point of Sale, Policy|

Letter opposing extension of cigar comment period

Dear Dr. Califf: Today, we write in response to several requests the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) received to extend the public comment period for the proposed rule to remove all characterizing flavors, except for tobacco, from cigars. We strongly oppose any extension of the comment period, [More]

May 25, 2022|Categories: Advocacy|

Counter Tobacco Podcast: Tobacco-Related Assurances of Voluntary Compliance (Episode 29)

In this episode, we provide a primer on tobacco-related Assurance of Voluntary Compliance (AVC), which are legally binding and enforceable agreements between companies (i.e. big tobacco retailers) and one or more states (under each state attorneys general) in which the retailer agrees to adhere to certain standards [More]

May 3, 2022|Categories: Counter Tobacco Podcast, Point of Sale|

Letter to FDA on Rules to Prohibit Menthol Cigarettes and Flavored Cigars

Dear Dr. Califf: The undersigned public health, medical, education and community organizations write to express our support for the Food and Drug Administration’s commitment to issuing proposed rules this Spring to prohibit menthol as a characterizing flavor in cigarettes and prohibit all characterizing flavors in cigars. Once [More]

April 22, 2022|Categories: Advocacy, Policy|

Healthy POS Webinar Series: The Effects of Preemption and Opportunities for Action in Preempted States

Counter Tools hosted a webinar on April 14, 2022 with special guests from Indiana and ChangeLab Solutions. With the introduction of new preemption bills during the pandemic and existing preempted states, tobacco point-of-sale related preemption presents a challenge to policy action and local control. This webinar equipped attendees [More]

April 5, 2022|Categories: Point of Sale, Policy, Webinars|Tags: |

Webinar – Changing the Game Redux: An Updated Playbook for E-cigarette Regulation at the State and Local Level

Despite public health concerns about the prevalence of e-cigarette use – especially among youth and young adults – the U.S. e-cigarette market continues to thrive. Addressing this rapidly changing market requires coordinated and evidence-based policy at local, state, and federal levels. This webinar features experts in public [More]

March 28, 2022|Categories: Partners, Policy, Webinars|

Addressing the Off-Campus Tobacco Retail Environment to Enhance Tobacco Free Colleges

Colleges and universities across the country have had success in using policy to protect students from exposure to secondhand smoke on campus. However, these policies do not address the tobacco retail environment immediately off-campus. Considering the off-campus retail environment in tobacco control efforts can be the perfect next [More]

March 7, 2022|Categories: Health Equity, Point of Sale|
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