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Counter Tools celebrates our 10th anniversary

As Counter Tools celebrates our 10th anniversary, we’re reflecting on the partnerships that sparked community change in the retail environment and looking forward to our ambitious goals to address health equity and empower communities to become healthier places for all. Where we’ve been Over the past decade, [More]

December 23, 2022|Categories: News From Tools|

Retailers will now be required to post tobacco industry “corrective statements” at the point of sale

Starting July 1, 2023, nearly 200,000 tobacco retailers across the country must begin installing signs in their stores with “corrective statements” from the tobacco industry. This is a long-awaited result of a 2006 federal court case ruling in which major tobacco companies were found guilty of racketeering for deliberately [More]

December 22, 2022|Categories: Point of Sale, Policy|

Store Assessments: A powerful tool for understanding the retail environment

Marketing and promotions for alcohol and tobacco products saturate retail stores in most communities—the same places where you buy milk, snacks, and medicine. Research has shown that exposure to advertising and promotions for these products have a number of negative health impacts, such as prompting youth initiation, [More]

December 1, 2022|Categories: Alcohol, Data, Point of Sale|

Success story: Kansas high schoolers participate in summer project to learn about the tobacco retail environment

From September 2021 to August 2022, Counter Tools supported the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) to address two of their identified priority areas: preventing the initiation of tobacco use among youth and young adults, and addressing tobacco-related health inequities. This included point-of-sale training for KDHE’s [More]

November 22, 2022|Categories: Point of Sale, Success Stories|

CDC releases new mapping techniques best practice supplement

Maps are a valuable tool for understanding community trends, visualizing disparities, identifying gaps in program and policy implementation, educating decision makers, and evaluating interventions. In expanding upon the evidence-based recommendations in the CDC’s Best Practices for Comprehensive Tobacco Control Programs–2014, the Center for Public Health Systems Science [More]

November 8, 2022|Categories: Data|

Healthy Active Communities Virtual Conference Sept 14-15

Counter Tools staff will be presenting at the Healthy Active Communities Conference September 14-15. HACC will be a place to learn about policies & systems changes related to health equity & nutrition security with a weight-inclusive lens. Healthy Active Communities sets out to explore and expand conversations [More]

September 7, 2022|Categories: Health Equity, Healthy Food, News From Tools, Webinars|

Webinar – Innovative Local Solutions in Public Health

We recently hosted a webinar with CADCA GHEA about local-level policy solutions in Maryland and California. These efforts advanced policies relating to alcohol and healthy food. We often see innovative policy solutions tested first at the local-level. In this webinar, you’ll learn about alcoholic beverage regulations in [More]

August 30, 2022|Categories: Alcohol, Healthy Food, Partners, Policy, Webinars|

Counter Tobacco Podcast : Tobacco Point of Sale Preemption (Episode 30)

Earlier this year, along with our partners at ChangeLab Solutions, we published a resource on this topic called the Tobacco Point of Sale Preemption Playbook. It equips tobacco prevention staff and their partners with the knowledge, context, and resources needed to understand how preemption influences their work. [More]

August 29, 2022|Categories: Counter Tobacco Podcast, Point of Sale|

Creating tobacco control policies that work toward health equity

Tobacco control policies must be formulated and examined with health equity at the forefront to directly address health inequities among Black Americans and other marginalized communities. Even the best intentioned tobacco product regulation policies may reinforce racism and the inequitable impact on marginalized communities. We must create [More]

August 2, 2022|Categories: Health Equity, Point of Sale, Policy|
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