Counter Tools

Report: Surveying How the Tobacco Industry Markets Flavors in Five Midwestern Cities

A report from Counter Tools and Truth Initiative examines how flavored tobacco products are marketed and sold in 5 U.S. cities, with new data looking specifically at e-cigarette products.   Download Materials Summary report: Surveying How the Tobacco Industry Markets Flavors in Five Midwestern Cities  Full report and [More]

February 9, 2022|Categories: Data, Partners, Point of Sale, Resource|

Counter Tobacco Podcast: Point-of-Sale Pricing Policies (Episode 27)

In this episode we talk about point-of-sale pricing policies, meaning ways to raise the price of tobacco sold in retail stores. Raising prices is one of the most effective ways to reduce tobacco use initiation, decrease consumption, and increase cessation. Learn how point-of-sale pricing policies, including minimum [More]

February 4, 2022|Categories: Counter Tobacco Podcast, Point of Sale|

Congrats to our partners on their 2021 accomplishments!

Despite the challenges that 2021 brought, our public health partners remained committed to building healthier, more equitable communities. We’d like to recognize our partners for the following accomplishments in 2021: Arizona Office of the Attorney General reinitiated tobacco enforcement inspections this year using the Tobacco Enforcement System [More]

December 21, 2021|Categories: Partners, Success Stories|

Webinar with GHEA – Using Policy Surveillance Methods for K-12 Tobacco-free School Policies

We're excited to announce an upcoming webinar with CADCA's Geographic Health Equity Alliance. This webinar will review key takeaways found by the Geographic Surveillance Learning Collaborative on tobacco policy surveillance. The webinar is part of the Surveillance & Evaluation Webinar Series, which is hosted by the CDC [More]

November 4, 2021|Categories: Partners, Policy, Webinars|

We’re excited to partner with Community Advocates!

Counter Tools recently began a new partnership with Community Advocates Public Policy Institute, an organization based in Milwaukee, WI. We will be helping them assess tobacco and alcohol retailers in their community to understand how harmful products are being marketed and sold. Community Advocates’ primary mission is [More]

October 21, 2021|Categories: Partners|

Counter Tobacco Podcast: Nicotine Pouches and Other “Modern” Oral Nicotine Products (Episode 26)

In this quick primer of an episode, we talk about nicotine pouches like “Zyn” and other so-called “modern” oral nicotine products, how they are being marketed and sold in the retail environment, and options for regulating this small but rapidly growing product segment with concerns about youth [More]

September 27, 2021|Categories: Counter Tobacco Podcast|
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