Counter Tools

Comments of Public Health Groups on FDA Draft Guidance Modifying Compliance Policy for Certain Deemed Tobacco Products

Excerpt: The undersigned organizations submit these comments in the above referenced Docket on the Draft Guidance for Industry on the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) proposed Modifications to its Compliance Policy for Certain Deemed Products, issued in March 2019 (Draft Guidance). The Draft Guidance can be a [More]

April 30, 2019|Categories: Advocacy|

[UPDATED!] See you at NCTOH!

Counter Tools will be at the National Conference on Tobacco or Health (NCTOH) August 27th to 29th in Minneapolis, MN---will you? During the conference, we invite you to stop by our exhibitor booth (#111) to grab some promotional materials and talk further with us about our products [More]

April 19, 2019|Categories: News From Tools|

House CDC OSH Letter from Public Health Groups

Excerpt: As your Subcommittee moves forward with the FY 2020 Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations bill, we urge you to increase funding for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Office on Smoking and Health (OSH) by $100 million, for a [More]

March 14, 2019|Categories: Advocacy|

My Place: That’s So ‘South of Shaw’

"My Place" is a series of blog posts authored by the Counter Tools team that aims to shed light on the impact place has had on each of our lives. In this My Place post, we hear from Executive Director Nina Baltierra. I grew up in Fresno, [More]

February 15, 2019|Categories: Health Equity, Housing|

We’re hiring!

Counter Tools invites applications for a Project Director starting this March or April. Our Project Directors provide timely and high quality project management, training, and technical assistance to our client-partners working to advance place-based public health. Their national or multi-regional perspective and expertise strengthens Counter Tools’ position [More]

January 29, 2019|Categories: News From Tools|

Happy Year of Cessation

As with all new years, there has been a lot of talk about resolutions. Maybe you’ve set some goals for yourself or seen the evidence of resolution motivation in the form of lines for the treadmills at the gym or friends taking rain-checks on drinks because of [More]

January 11, 2019|Categories: Policy|

Big Data For Big Good

In this post, Anna Davidson, our Director of Product & Technology, reflects on Big Data and the Internet of Things, and how we can use them for good. While attending a keynote at a recent geospatial health and human services conference, I asked the speaker, 1) what [More]

December 21, 2018|Categories: Data|

Getting to Know Your Place Using Data

Happy Thanksgiving! In this post, Project Director Marielle Matthews is ravenous for Census data. I’ve always been captivated by Census data. Attempting to count every person everywhere in the United States and Puerto Rico?! That’s daunting. Even though carrying out such a massive data collection project is [More]

November 20, 2018|Categories: Data|
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