Our latest podcast episode describes the “endgame” for commercial tobacco control toward a tobacco-free future. Learn about possible strategies and examples of places that are already implementing endgame policies.

Counter Tobacco PodcastEndgame strategies have been defined as “initiatives designed to change/eliminate permanently the structural, political, and social dynamics that sustain the tobacco epidemic, in order to end it within a specific time,” and moving towards the endgame means, “moving beyond tobacco control (which assumes the continued presence of tobacco as a common, widely-available ordinary consumer product) toward a tobacco-free future wherein commercial tobacco products would be phased out or their use and availability significantly restricted.”

This episode describes what the “endgame” means for commercial tobacco control, the range of strategies it could involve, how point-of-sale policies can play a critical role in it, and highlights some examples of places that are already implementing endgame policies.

Listen below or on iTunes/Apple PodcastsSpotifyiHeartRadio, or LibSyn.

Download the episode transcript here


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